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Concerned about higher-than-expected bills? Information is available here

Due to a planned technical upgrade, our self-serve options will be unavailable from 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 14 until 11:00 p.m. Monday, February 17. You will still be able to report an outage or message us on social media for any questions.

Contractors and First Responders

Contractors' Safety

Working safely is a top priority at NB Power and it is important to us that Contractors are safe on the job.

We provide the following services:

  • Locating and marking underground wiring
  • De-energizing and insulating overhead lines
  • Raising overhead lines
  • Providing warning signs for hazard zones

For your convenience, we offer a way to access these services:

Contractor Service Line: Contact NB Power by dialing toll-free 1 800 663-6272. To speak with one of our customer service agents directly, simply make your language choice then press the number 4.

Minimum Safe Distances 

  • Up to 750 volts - 0.9 metres (3 feet)
  • 750 to 100 kilovolts - 3.6 metres (12 feet)
  • 101 to 250 kv - 5.2 metres (17 feet)
  • 251 to 345 kv - 6.1 metres (20 feet)

Worksite safety tips

  • Use caution when moving equipment or tools around overhead lines. This includes cranes, backhoes, scaffolding, or long lengths of pipe. Never get closer than the minimum safe distance.
  • Use a designated signaler who knows the minimum safe distances to help equipment operators steer clear of overhead lines.
  • Remember - minimum safe distances apply to anything that can possibly reach, slip or fall from the work area. Increase your working distance whenever you're using equipment that can fall or collapse, such as booms, cranes, ladders and scaffolds.
  • Keep hazards and the minimum safe distances well marked with signs provided by NB Power.
  • If the minimum safe distances can't be maintained when moving equipment around lines, take another route or call NB Power.
  • If you must work within close proximity to power lines, call NB Power to deactivate/de-energize the lines or insulate the power lines prior to commencing the work.
  • Workers should keep clear of all big equipment/machines working around power lines. 
  • Locator flags can tell you where the underground power lines are located but not how deeply they are buried.

Working Near Power Lines

Working outside in your yard and around your property is one of the joys of owning a home. Following are some tips to make sure your outdoor work is safe from the risk of an electrical accident.

  • If you're carrying a ladder, two-by-four or operating equipment that could come in contact with power lines, ensure you're putting enough distance between the equipment and the line. At least 3.6 meters (12 feet).
  • Maintain a safe distance if you are pruning or cutting trees. Ensure the branch or tree can't touch or fall on a line.
  • Install antennas well away from power lines.
  • If a tree falls onto a line, stay 10 metres (33 feet) away from the tree. Stay well away from other equipment that comes in contact with a line.
  • If you find a downed line in contact with the ground or a piece of equipment, maintain a minimum clearance of 10 meters (33 feet) from the equipment, tree or downed line.

We're here to help

To be safe, call NB Power at 1 800 663-6272 before cutting or trimming trees along a transmission or distribution rights-of-way.