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Some online banking services have been impacted by the global Windows outage. If you are having trouble paying your bill through online banking, you can still make payments through the NB Power website. If you need support, contact one of our Customer Care Advisors at 1 800 663-6272.

Business - Energy Saving Tips

  • Establish your baseline energy use.  Go back through your utility bills and chart monthly demand and consumption.  This will give you a point of reference to compare future utility bills once your plan is in effect.
  • Understand your energy consumption by knowing when energy is used and what equipment is using it.
  • Understand your energy rates and how you are billed by your utility so that you can make the most of the energy you do use. 
  • Identify and eliminate waste energy. 
  • Take advantage of new, efficient technologies when buying new or replacing old equipment.
  • Engage your employees in your energy conservation efforts.
  • Track your monthly billing demand and consumption and compare to your baseline so that you can demonstrate the success of your plan.
  • Celebrate your success by communicating with those involved what has been achieved.
Office Equipment
  • Use the “sleep” or “standby” option on your computers to reduce energy usage during periods of inactivity. 
  • Shut off office equipment such as photocopiers, monitors, scanners and printers when not in use.  Use a power bar to help make this easier.
  • When replacing any office equipment consider the most energy efficient models. Look for ENERGY STAR® qualified products.
Heating and Cooling
  • Reduce temperature set points whenever the building is unoccupied after hours and on weekends and holidays.  Programmable thermostats can help make this easier.
  • Keep doors, windows, and loading docks closed when heating or air conditioning.
  • Maintain heating and cooling systems as per manufacturer’s instructions and change filters regularly.
  • Keep heating and cooling ducts, radiators and baseboards free from obstruction.
  • Minimize heating and cooling of unused areas.
  • Check condition of seals on doors and windows and replace if necessary.
Hot Water
  • Fix leaking plumbing fixtures as soon as possible.
  • Insulate exposed hot water piping.
  • Turn off lights when not required.
  • Take advantage of natural light as much as possible.
  • Use light coloured paint on walls to reduce the lighting requirement.
  • Make sure light fixtures are clean.
  • Use energy efficient LED bulbs.
  • If replacing or buying new fluorescent light fixtures look for high efficiency T5 or T8 fixtures.
  • Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum.  Automatic timers, photocells and motion sensors can help make this easy.
Other equipment
  • Check air compressors and lines for leaks and repair as soon as possible.
  • Ensure only required equipment is powered on at any given time. 
  • Keep kitchen equipment maintained and in good working condition.
  • Be sure to turn off exhaust fans when not required.
  • When buying new equipment or replacing old equipment, look for the most energy efficient models. Look for products with the ENERGY STAR® symbol.