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Concerned about higher-than-expected bills? Information is available here

Due to a planned technical upgrade, our self-serve options will be unavailable from 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 14 until 11:00 p.m. Monday, February 17. You will still be able to report an outage or message us on social media for any questions.

Transmission Line Right-of-Way Request Form

Applicant Information

Applicant Type

Please provide the address:

Language Preference

Purpose & Duration of Request

Please indicate the purpose of your request (e.g., driveway access, retention pond, raising elevation, growing crops etc.) and provide any additional comments below.


Required Documents

Upload up to six (6) documents outlining your detailed, site-specific development plan. The following information should be included:

  1. A map showing the exact location and description of the proposed site-specific work in relation to all NB Power transmission rights-of-way (ROW), public/private roads, and adjacent legal property boundaries.
  2. Service New Brunswick (SNB) Property Identification Number (PID) or SNB Property Assessment Number (PAN).
  3. Place Name.
  4. Road Name or Street Name.
  5. A detailed explanation of the proposed work to be carried out on or near the ROW.
  6. If the elevation or grade are proposed to be changed in or near the ROW, a detailed description of the work, including professional elevation/grade plans.
  7. Identification of all equipment and vehicles to be brought near or onto the ROW to confirm maximum heights of vehicles (including load and reach).
  8. Description of all construction materials to be used in or near the ROW (e.g., wood, metal, ductile iron, PVC).
  9. Proposed work start date.
  10. Landowner permission. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain all written consents from landowners and other parties with an interest in or jurisdiction over, the proposed area of use and/or the property, including the ROW. This includes other holders and regulators (e.g., Pipeline, Telecom, Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments). Proof of consent(s) must be provided with this application to NB Power Corporation.

Note: Based on the scope of work being requested, engineered drawings and/or a survey plan may be required at the cost of the applicant.

Click the Browse button below to select the files to upload from your computer. Important: Please ensure the information you are including is contained in up to 20 files with a total maximum size of 25 MB; each individual file should be no larger than 10 MB. The permitted file types are: doc, docx, pdf, rtf, wps, txt, odt, jpg, jpeg, png, xlsx.

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Please note that the review process may take three months to six months to complete and possibly longer for more complex requests.

Note: For more information on security and privacy of information, please read our Privacy Policy.